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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Raider Shirts and Past Judgments-May 12, 2012

So I went about my day not knowing much of what we would do; considering that my little cousin's soccer game was cancelled due to inclement weather, and also knowing that we'd be going back home the same day. It's not easy trying to continue your day wondering if your love for God is strong or not, and whether or not the things you see on television are truly what you're supposed to be watching (which in most cases is probably a negative). However I do know this; love for God should always be there and never hard to resurface, if lost, or found, if though to be hidden. But how do your actions and language constitute how much love you're showing for others? Time for another one of Uncle Clark's day stories!

I'm going to a University I've never really thought about, let alone considered when I was in my younger years of high school, but nonetheless it isn't a bad choice in my opinion. It might not be the best choice for engineering, but it's still an engineering school, so I refuse to treat it any less than what it's worth. Getting to the point, I didn't have any attire to at least show some kind of school spirit, so you can imagine I was overjoyed when we went shopping yesterday for some Tech shirts, and I found some great ones at pretty much half the price of the usual priced collegiate wear products, sweet! And being the crazy person I am that wears the same shirts every week, I had to get at least three Tech shirts to add to my new attire and wouldn't you know it, I felt like I was finally supporting my college. Granted, I probably wouldn't get caught up in those silly rivalries like Texas and Oklahoma, or A&M and Texas, (Yeah, I called them silly).

Anyway, going back to the lesson, story time ends here. I've obtained some new shirts and feel great wearing new clothing, always do. But subsiding my behavior on them (the shirts), I'm still not a big fan of materialism, even though I'm the person who always wants to spend my money on gifts for others soon after I obtain the money. But rather, the big lesson is bent upon when I found the verses of Scripture that are truly against judgmental actions or instances. Each speaking about not judging others, but one in particular stuck out to me the most.

"Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?"-James 4:11-12

In other words, how dare us be the ones to call people names, label people for their past mistakes and take them for who they've been in the past. You wonder why I make connections with others who I have somewhat disliked strongly in the past? It's due to the fact that I wish to further people by loving them and not simply destroying their self-esteem further as they probably often dwell on the mistakes they've made in the past. Granted, no one is perfect, and I've made my own share of mistakes, so has every other person in this wacky world.

Each and every one of us has a dark secret, a story that has never been told except to those whom we have given our time, love, and life committed to or at least expecting to stay with those people for a large margin of time or even in the span of one's entire lifetime. Take this as such, quite recently my closest friends made it as such to not keep any secrets nor anything bother us when we bring up any topic. The very essence of loving one another is to be forgiving of them for all that they've done, and build them up in such a way that will benefit their drive and motivation to turn away from such bad habits that hindered them in the past. 

Of course, I never expected perfect friends, but rather than shun them for their past mistakes, I was rather happy and proud to call them my closest friends and brothers and sisters in Christ for turning away from their bad habits and going to God for their salvation and greatness in life. I'll love people, but if you're not willing to change yourself for God, then I won't become a close friend of yours and I won't confide in you as I do with my other close friends.

My three best brothers and I all share similar perceptions about how to go about our lives. However, we each differ with our own struggles, one buddy and I being similar but also different to a certain extent. And we grow closer on the strong basis of one ideal: We will not judge each other because it is not our job, and we will sharpen each other both in faith and fellowship, as we do not like others judging us, we shall not confide in the same practices as those against us. Of course, we realized that those who judged us did not build us up, nor did the friends who increased the harmful behavior did we choose to not associate with them any longer. I'm very grateful to say that with the gifts from God that I receive being these best friends and other close friends, I learned so much more about them and the trust keeps growing.

Take one thing from all of this: Don't judge others for their past mistakes; especially if they're doing something to change it for the better and going for God. Rather embrace them and be joyous with them as they develop in their new lifestyle for Christ and enjoy and cherish the growth with them. 

Your love and compassion alone can further the growth of your close loved ones, and you guys can change the world. 

"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love"-1 Corinthians 13:13.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

I Have Decided-May 9,2012

I have always had the strong feeling of wanting to get closer to God, but it always seemed as if something was holding me back. One would think, "Who needs to refocus on God? You're a good Christian man. I'm pretty sure you're covered". And can I say, just because you feel that you're covered doesn't mean that you've obtained enough of God. Those who are truly faithful to God desire to have more of God and continue to gain more of Him with a never ending thirst. Right? But it's not all that easy.

One would hope to have it easy when attempting to grow in their faith or always find time to spend with God, but some people fail to see that it's not easy at all. We'd be sinless creatures, non-human beings if it were truly that easy. Mistakes would be a thing of the past, and we'd never learn from what is perceived to be wrong or right. Maybe I'm taking more of an extreme approach, but I do know this: Staying dedicated can truly be a challenge in the midst of your life and one of the greatest beneficial aspects as well.

Being inspired from my youth group's Wednesday service, I found that once again I'm getting one of those guilt trips which always tends to make me feel heavier with the weight of the things I've done that I constitute as sin. Had it been a couple of months ago, it would feel even heavier, but truly, that is when the guilt trips started to begin. For the past month or so (excluding this past week), I haven't been letting God into all aspects of my life, my prayer habits have been incredibly unsatisfactory and lacking in much effort, and I've failed to really contribute much effort to my own life as well. However, after coming back from the band trip from Port Aransas, and with much credit to a situation that cautioned my focus on life last Wednesday, I've found that once again the calling of God is echoing in my heart and I wish to respond with my abounding faith and love for His word and all of us that He's created.

Upon adding more Bible reading, getting back into the habit of praying often, and spending more time with God, I hope to be inspiring people once again but not for my own credit, rather for God's credit. I've felt God preparing me as somewhat of a communicator, somewhat of a persuader in a good manner, but even more so as a good listener and compassionate individual. I may not have the gift of strong intelligence, but I do manage well as an above average student. I may not have the gift of an athletic individual, but my endurance can really stretch. I may not have the gift of an excellent writer, but that doesn't mean people do not receive any insight from my own little writings and former Facebook statuses. My gifts are known within myself and I'm incredibly grateful, as we all should be for each of our own talents and gifts!

All in all, and forgive me for jumping around a bit, I made a decision last Wednesday that would of course be one of the greatest decision of my own steps into the journey of my faith. I'm getting baptized under my own choice. Now I'm not denouncing my faith under my previous denomination, of course not, but I feel it is an important step in my life and faith in growing closer to God to make this decision. So why not, right? Because no matter if I feel like it or not, I'm going to grow in my faith, and thanks to the assistance of my accountability partner, best friend and Christian brother, Sean, and my other best friend and Christian brother, Cody, I feel confident enough that I will be able to get back on my path while not swaying too much. However, I feel that I must also make my own decisions as an adult, of course, and with the growing confidence that God is giving me every day, I have decided to do just that.

Thanks be to God and thanks for reading.

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Facebook Vs. Life Comparison

Dear friends, acquaintances, or other people who usually read my status updates on Facebook,

I will say it has been quite a while, right? I remember when I first made the decision out of spite and anger and just depressed decision making. The more I think about it today and in the recent past days, I realized how much I get more out of life and now I can truly enjoy what experiences I have been somewhat missing in my life. But here's what I say to those who miss my status updates nowadays; you're probably missing some bright insight in your life, some optimism, or just a kind little bit of good news and honesty in this world, and quite frankly, I don't blame you.

Ever since I left on our band Spring Trip, I did a little getting closer to God thing, and living out His word and plans for my life. When I made the decision last Wednesday to go on the trip solo and not hang out with anyone else...Well, that was before I realized that my roommates are actually pretty incredible people. I always thought to myself, you're not close friends with them, so you're not going to be able to have a great time with them; but of course, Sean always kept telling me that two of them he was really great friends with, and for the most part, I trusted him, so of course I would be up for hang out time.

And boy was our room living it up! There were some of the greatest new experiences I've gladly called nowadays to be really something special and memorable. For instance, don't use olive oil to cook bacon on a stove that forgets that high temperatures burn things. Don't use sunscreen that fails to have a spray stream instead of a straight stream of sunscreen, or you might end up having cool sunburn designs. And most of all, don't forget to empty out your pockets before jumping into a body of water, or else you might end up losing one of your favorite electronic devices to that horrible thing called flooded by H2O. I enjoyed my time, most definitely, and I'm so very grateful to have the instances and opportunities I did get to have with my other friends as well as my best bud.

Only problem now is I get back to school and instantly there's an AP test smacking me in the face at 8 A.M. this morning, my job interview for Gatti Town had to be postponed due to my band director for jazz having to tell me to reschedule because I wouldn't be able to miss rehearsal yet again...Those commitments, of course I stick to them! And now that I currently still do not have a job, I have to raise money for the rest of my church camp fee, and I've got a load of make-up work. Honestly, now that I have no more Facebook for a little while, I feel I can get stuff done and there's nothing to distract me from reaching my goals now, with the exception of outer influences and other people's opinions and decisions I can't make nor control.

So in the grand scheme of things, it seems like a matter of refocusing on God and feeling His love and compassionate word take over my life for what it is and for what I've done and for what I'm to do in the very near future. And whatever God has planned for me before my high school career is over, well, I'll do what I can, and I won't slack off anymore. There's no more room for slacking, procrastinating excessively, or laziness. Time to get this show on the road and continue to improve my performance and motives and morals.

You've probably heard this once before, and now I will be saying this in the same mindset that others would say it: Facebook, you're pretty boring compared to life.

So thank You, God, for today, and a wonderful day to everyone else. To my Facebook readers, I sure hope you'll be reading these posts as these will be a nice substitute for my statuses, and I can certainly expand on thoughts that can be found on this blog rather than on someone's Facebook News Reel where it's probably not wanted or taking up space. More to come as I can now find time to keep up with my blog!